Why would someone need an Industrial Designer?
Why would someone need an Industrial Designer?
We are a design agency that provides design services to brands and individuals. Some people might mistake us for other types of design (digital, graphic, etc.), but we, as industrial designers, are specialists in designing physical products. Being an industrial designer requires a good technical understanding of mechanics and manufacturing, but also a creative edge to solve problems with innovative ideas.
We have created the following video to go through some of the most common reasons why people approach us.
In summary:
You might have identified an everyday problem or a market opportunity. Now you need assistance to analyse users and behaviours and create ideas of products that can be taken forward into a new product.
You might already have a product idea and now need help to design it all the way from concept to a manufacturable product. Our clients brief us with a list of requirements and we navigate through the process of testing ideas and refining solutions. This is perhaps our most common service.
You already have a product in the market and require an update. e.g. it may need to work better or look better.
You have a concept but need help with a specific task, such as prototyping or design for manufacture.At Makers Department we can help with all of the above and have experience in designing a range of consumer products.
At Makers Department we can help with all of the above and have experience in designing a range of consumer products - check our recent projects for more.
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